Lot N. 224

Miscellaneous editions of historical-juridical subjects

nineteenth century
contains: - Journal de mon voyage de Fontainebleau à Fréjus en 1814, Turin: De l'Imprimerie de Joseph Fodratti, 1836, [5], 61 p. In-8° (192x122 mm). [traduit de l'Allemand] par le Comte F. L. de Waldburg-Truchsess [...]. Uncommon Turin edition in French of this diary of the journey made by the Prussian commissioner Waldburg-Truchsess as a member of the commission chosen to accompany Napoleon Bonaparte from Fontainebleau to the port from which the deposed Emperor left for the Island of Elba. The edition, although following the first Parisian one of 1815 for the Panckoucke types, does not represent a simple reprint, being a new translation by the author starting from his own manuscript in Germanic language - Doctrina de los expulsos extinguida. Pastoral, que obedeciendo al Rey, directs a su Diócesis el Ilustrisimo Señor D. Joseph Xavier Rodriguez de Arellano, Arzobispo de Burgos, Madrid: por Joachin de Ibarra, 1768, 415 p. In-4° (255x185 mm). - Mémoires ou l'Observateur véridique, sur le Règne de Louis XIV et sur les premières époques des Règnes suivans, A Londres, Et se trouve A Paris, chez Buisson, et A Marseille, chez Jean Mssy, 1788, vol. 3, 372 p. (missing volumes 1 and 2)..... (200x120mm). Printed on light blue paper - Atti di Governo pubblicati nell'anno. Vol. XXX from N. 4570, to 4814. 853 p. (205x150mm). -Regolamento del Soldo (with title page almost totally torn off with loss of text), 92 p. (160x100mm). Contemporary bindings. Defects, blooms, omissions (5)
€ 30,00 / 40,00